Treatment of bruxism
(Teeth grinding)

Clamping and gnashing of teeth as a result of excessive activity of the masseter muscles and / or stretching of the masticatory muscles or lateral movements of the lower jaw without dental contact – this is characterized by bruxism. It occurs in two forms – during sleep and wakefulness.
The most common symptoms of bruxism are pain in the masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joints as well as pathological dental abrasion, headaches, enamel rupture and exposed cervical zones.
A thorough interview with the patient about his lifestyle, illnesses and other disturbing disorders is one of the basis for diagnosing the occurrence of bruxism.
Bruxism treatment
At SmileClinic, we conduct a thorough interview with the patient about his lifestyle, diseases and other disturbing disorders.
We examine masticatory muscles very carefully and if the Patient feels pain during such examination, and the doctor senses abnormal muscle growth in the mandible area and notices white lines on the cheeks, we are dealing most likely with bruxism. The patient may also require specialized therapy. Then we may begin orthodontic treatment.
The next stage of the visit is to take an impression of both dental arches in order to make teeth models, on the basis of which special BruxChecker® foil overlays will be designed. It is used to very precisely assess the quality of the occlusion, detect its irregularities and analyse the correctness of occlusion. The patient puts on BruxChecker for one night.

On the next visit, based on the analysis of the resulting staining on the BruxChecker, future treatment and correction of the occlusion are planned. It consists primarily of raising the occlusion and the proper reconstruction of the patient’s old and damaged own teeth, which our doctors perform with jewellery precision and accuracy.
They perfectly recreate the correct morphology of the teeth, carefully rebuilding dental tubers and grooves. For reconstruction, we use composite materials or, if necessary, we make individual prosthetic crowns.
We do everything to make sure that the contacts between teeth are rebuilt so that the teeth cannot abrade again.
To strengthen and consolidate the effects of treatment and reduce masticatory muscles tension, we prepare for our patients a precise myopathic overlay for use as prescribed by a doctor.
Why is it worth deciding to treat bruxism in SmileClinic?
The disorder itself associated with tooth abrasion is mainly due to disorders in the temporomandibular joints. In our clinic, we approach the treatment of the masticatory system very holistically and comprehensively.
You can be sure that accurate diagnostics carried out using specialized and modern equipment will allow our doctors to make the right diagnosis and choose the most effective therapy.
A thorough palpation examination of the entire masticatory system, performed by our experienced doctors, will effectively confirm all occurring dysfunctions.
We do everything to bring about remission and, as a result, complete regression of symptoms associated with temporomandibular joint disorders.
Our orthodontics and prosthetics specialists professionally develop a treatment plan tailored to the patient’s needs. We focus on recreating the perfect occlusion in the patient’s mouth with the correct setting of occlusion height.
The ideal anatomical reconstruction of teeth and precise occlusion in the patient's mouth is the goal of our treatment.
1. What is myopathy overlay?
It is a transparent overlay on the upper and lower teeth, individually designed on the basis of upper and lower teeth impressions. Reduces pressure on teeth and relaxes muscles.
2. Does the BruxChecker® overlay cause discomfort during use at night?
No. The BruxChecker® overlay, due to its small thickness (0.1 mm), is practically undetectable to users and should not affect the intensity of para-functional activity.