Dagmara Karczewska-Purzycka
Dagmara Karczewska-Purzycka

She graduated from the Medical University of Gdańsk in 1999, thereby gaining the title of dentist. From the very beginning, she specializes in aesthetic dentistry and prosthetics.
Aesthetics in dentistry is her passion. She is an outstanding specialist for whom extensive implant prosthetic work, as well as minimally invasive composite restorations are everyday life.
Knowledge gained from prestigious courses and training in Poland and abroad, along with everyday practice, have built irreplaceable competences in perfect smile design and careful planning and implementation of treatment.
Temporomandibular joint rehabilitation with precise condillography, prevention of masticatory system diseases, and minimally invasive dentistry and occlusion are other areas in which she stands out.
She is respected in the dental environment and loved by her patients. She is especially valued for a clear and legible way of providing information, reliable knowledge and a comprehensive approach to dental treatment.
Dr Dagmara is an active member of the Polish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, the Polish Endodontic Society and Advance Continuing Education by Mauro Fradeani.
Privately, she is interested in art history and painting.
The most important courses and trainings:
- Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry
- Prosthetics – Function rehabilitation and Aesthetics – in progress
- Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry Curriculum
- “Gnathology and Occlusion in Interdisciplinary Dentistry”
- dr Agnieszka Szygenda Poznań
- The Dawson Academy Core Curriculum Module 1 – Comprehensive Examination & Records Lecture and Hands On / Wirral
- Master program of Esthetic Rehabilitation ACE by Mauro Fradeani – Peasro Italy 2012
- Module 1 – A comprehensive Treatment Plan for Extensive Rehabilitation
- Module 2- Esthetic, functional and biologic integration of the prosthetic rehabilitation on natural dentition and implants.
- Module 3-Ceramic material selection from single restoration to full – mounth rehabilitation
- Digital Smile Design (DSD) led by Cristian Coachman and Livio Yoshinaga 2014
- “Individual Training to Use Your Skills” Dr. Galip Gurel, Dr. Didier Dietschi
- Perioprothetic symposium by Dr. V. Koki, Dr. D.P. Mathews, Dr. F.Spear
- Bad Wiessee
- Interdisciplinary occlusal risk management John Kois;
- Rottach-Egern on Tagernsee 2009
- Perioprothetic interface, biomechanics: the basis of cohesive and adhesive restorations. dr John Kois Warsaw 2015
- Functional occlusion of the temporomandibular joint to design a smile John Cranham DDS; Dawson Academy Poland 2014
- From Macro to Micro 2 day dental photography course dr Carlos Ayala Paz Gdańsk 2015
- Functional Occlusion Modern Challenges Dr. John Kois; Krakow 2012
- Treatment planning and occlusion Dr. John Kois; Warsaw 2013
- Ceramic adhesive restorations in the anterior segment – success factors. ” P. Magne Sopot 2013
- In addition, participation in other courses and congresses on prosthetic rehabilitation, occlusion and endodontics.