Magdalena Górecka

She is a certified dental hygienist and dental technician. She is a graduate of the School for Dental Assistants and Hygienists in Krefeld in Germany and Sopot Medical Schools. She gathered her experience in the most prestigious dental and implantology clinics in Germany and Poland. She is member of the Polish Academy of Dental Prevention PAPS. Since 2007, she has been carrying out professional oral hygiene treatments, creating individual preventive programs especially for people with periodontal disease (parodontosis).
Magdalena is an outstanding specialist in her field. She is a qualified hygienist, extremely solid and responsible. She can perfectly capture the slightest irregularity in oral health and, if necessary, efficiently direct the patient to the doctor. The passion for the profession and the willingness to help make her a specialist which returns with confidence that you are in the best hands. She does not stop at what she already knows, she constantly improves her knowledge in the field of dental prophylaxis and the quality of patient service. In addition, she conducts training for other hygienists.
Personal culture, communication skills and a sense of humour additionally complement her wide range of superlatives. In addition, Magda is a person with a big heart and empathy.
She leads an active lifestyle, runs and loves fitness as much as she does her job and giving others the opportunity for a beautiful and healthy smile. She loves travels where she must take her sports shoes.